As anyone who knows me even a little bit knows well, doughnuts are my true weakness. Always have been. Always, probably, will be. Plain glazed; old-fashioned; maple cake; chocolate with sprinkles; they can all send me into a transcendent state of sugar-sated contentment. That said, I don’t eat doughnuts every day. They remain, and will probably always be, a once-in-a-while treat. But one way to make them a a little easier and a little healthier, and thus a little more justified in the regular rotation, is to bake ’em in one of these nifty donut pans that started showing up everywhere a few years ago.
I know, friends: nothing not fried can ever truly be a doughnut. But it’s pretty close, and that makes it pretty dang good. Delicious, actually. And when the “doughnut” is a cakey bright lemon poppyseed with a glossy glaze that can be made any old time you have the hankering, well, that makes it a pretty sweet deal as far as I’m concerned.